2015 - n.º 222
María Zamorano Guerrero / Jorge Alegre Ayala
Palabras clave:
esquizofrenia, deterioro cog-
nitivo, funciones ejecutivas, capacidad labo-
ral, empleo.
Employment is a key element in the social
integration of any individual. In this study,
we explored the relationship between cog-
nitive functioning and working ability, and
its effect on job emplacement. A descripti-
ve cross-sectional design with a sample of
eleven participants diagnosed with schizo-
phrenia spectrum and other psychotic di-
sorders (both employed and unemployed)
was performed. The participants were being
treated at the Vocational Rehabilitation Ser-
vices in Vallecas. After signing the informed
consent form, the participants were evalua-
ted with the Montreal Cognitive Assessment
Test (MoCA), the Executive Function Perfor-
mance Test (EFPT) and The Work Personality
Profile (WPP). The global cognitive situation
and the global executive ability were similar
in both, the employed and the unemployed
group. However, the work ability results di-
ffered between groups. The employed group
showed a worst Work Adjustment, with fewer
capabilities to deal with stressors in the work
environment. In addition, they showed poo-
rer skills in Starting and sequencing tasks,
which was associated with worse Social Skills
and greater difficulty Accepting Authority.
On the other hand, the unemployed group
showed a worse ability to perform tasks and
routines of the job. This group also showed
less capability to deal with the stressors of
the work environment without losing control
and responding with socially inappropriate
behaviors. Furthermore, a worse capacity
for Sequencing tasks was associated with a
poorer development of Social Skills in unem-
ployed individuals, as well as a worse per-
formance in the capacity to avoid dangerous
situations was linked with a lower level of
Work Adjustment. In conclusion, executive
functions impairment in schizophrenia spec-
trum and other psychotic disorders appears
to be associated with difficulties in work be-
haviors and skills. Therefore, disabled people
show harder difficulties to find and maintain
the employment.
Key Words:
schizophrenia, cognitive impair-
ment, executive functions, work ability, em-
Las personas con un diagnóstico de esqui-
zofrenia presentan de forma habitual altera-
ciones en el área laboral, las relaciones inter-
personales o el cuidado de uno mismo [1-4].
Las alteraciones en las funciones ejecutivas,
así como otros procesos neuropsicológicos
como son la atención y la memoria, compro-
meten de forma importante el área laboral
[5-15]. Según López-Álvarez et al., existen
diferentes variables de éxito o fracaso para la
inserción laboral de este colectivo como son
las variables cognitivas y relacionales, las re-
percusiones que la sintomatología tiene en la
historia educativa y personal, los efectos del
tratamiento, y sus propias actitudes, valores
y aspiraciones. Por último, las leyes vigentes
en ese momento y el estigma social también
interfieren [16].
Para favorecer la integración laboral de las
personas con un diagnóstico de enfermedad
mental, en la Comunidad de Madrid, existen los
denominados Centros de Rehabilitación Laboral
(CRL), que ofrecen programas de rehabilitación
laboral para favorecer la inserción laboral y el
mantenimiento del empleo [2, 5, 18, 19]. Los
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