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2018 - n.º


Palabras clave:

Demencia severa, cuidado-

res, SCPD, depresión en demencia, deterioro

funcional, síntomas conductuales.



The neuropsychiatric symp-

toms of patients with dementia deteriorate

the quality of life of both the patient and

their caregivers. And increase the mental

problems (depression and anxiety mainly)

in the caregivers, with the decrease in life

expectancy for both.

The present study attempts to find an as-

sociation between the type of neuropsychia-

tric symptomatology perceived according

to the type of primary caregiver in patients

with evolved dementia, and the difficulty of

these caregivers for home care, to benefit

both patients and caregivers.


Family members of patients ad-

mitted for any cause to a Psychogeriatric

medium stay ward and suffering from de-

mentia due to any aetiology were included.

The patients were in a phase ranging from

moderate to severe and the symptomatic

burden of the patients was assessed through

the Cornell depression scale in dementia and

the NPI-Q in its Spanish version, and the

characteristics of the caregivers.


The data of 34 patients and their

caregivers were analysed. No statistically

significant or objective differences were

found between the group of patients who

had a particular caregiver and those who

had a family relative as their caregiver. Most

of the patients presented major depressive

symptomatology associated with dementia

according to the Cornell scale and the NPI-

Q. Both groups had high values of NPI-Q,

Cornell scale and very functional deteriora-

ted. The most frequent symptom was apathy.

The less frequent symptom was euphoria.


No statistically significant

association was found between the type

of caregiver and the severity of the BPSD


Key words:

Severe dementia, caregivers,

BPSD, depression in dementia, functional

deterioration, behavioural symptoms.


El enfoque del manejo de las demencias se

sigue centrando en el control de los sínto-

mas para mantener el bienestar y la calidad

de vida del paciente dada la ausencia de tra-

tamientos curativos. Uno de los principales

eslabones del tratamiento de los síndromes

demenciales es el control conductual y de

síntomas neuropsiquiátricos, ya que es uno

de los factores en la calidad de vida del pa-

ciente y el cuidador, y que pueden ser un

determinante en la decisión de instituciona-

lización de dichos pacientes



Los síntomas neuropsiquiátricos (SCPD),

que pueden ser psicóticos (delirios y alu-

cinaciones), afectivos (apatía, depresión,

irritabilidad y ansiedad) y conductuales (eu-

foria, desinhibición, agitación, actividades

motrices aberrantes, trastornos del sueño y

trastorno alimentario), son los principales

síntomas de las demencias



Para la percepción de los síntomas existen

varios factores a considerar y que podrían te-

ner una gran relevancia. Entre estos factores

se encuentran las características sociodemo-

gráficas tanto de los pacientes como de los

cuidadores, la relación específica entre el pa-

ciente y el cuidador, la frecuencia y gravedad

de los síntomas psiquiátricos y trastornos

conductuales del paciente, el grado de dete-

rioro cognitivo, la calidad de vida y el estado

Félix Moreta Lora